This library has 11 classes.
ECF: xml-db.ecf
Status: No longer maintained
(Last compiled November 2022)
A simple XML database based on VTD-XML xpath and XML parsing library. Supports transactions and encryption. Any list conforming to LIST [EL_STORABLE_XML_ELEMENT] can be turned into a database. This library has now been superceded by Eco-DB.ecf which is faster, more powerful and uses a binary format.
Encryptable storable xml element
Encryptable storable xml element list
Encryptable xml element list editions
Createable from xpath node context
Extension edition
Removal edition
Replacement edition
Object to record to disk any editions made to current list of XML storable objects. If the list is reloaded the editions can be reapplied restoring the state of the previous application session.
The benefits are twofold:
Storable xml element
Xml element edition
Xml element list editions