This library cluster has 13 classes.
ECF: ES-vision2.ecf
Override of Eiffel Software's EiffelVision2 for use with Eiffel-Loop Vision2 extensions
. /implementation_interface/kernel
Mechanism to queue events from external threads and process them in the main GUI thread by putting a dummy button event into the GTK message queue. The button state (normally used to store a set of flags) is used to store an index which maps the event to an agent. Procedure 'on_event' calls the agent associated with the index.
Routines missing from class GTK
Eiffel Vision Environment. Implementation interface. See ev_environment.e
Mechanism to queue events from external threads and process them in the main GUI thread by putting a dummy button event into the GTK message queue. The button state (normally used to store a set of flags) is used to store an index which maps the event to an agent. Procedure 'on_event' calls the agent associated with the index.
Objects that process text to include extra hidden characters at the Windows level.
Eiffel Vision pixmap. Mswindows implementation for a simple pixmap (not drawable, not self-displayable)
EiffelVision pixmap. Mswindows implementation for drawable pixmap (drawable, not self-displayable)
Eiffel Vision radio button. Mswindows implementation.