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Runtime Library: Multi-threaded Logging

This library has 37 classes.

ECF: logging.ecf

Source code: directory list

Logging library featuring color highlighted output and mimicry of Eiffel routine code in output.

General Features

Output Format

The beauty of Eiffel-Loop logging is that the output is indented to show the entry and exit from routines. Each entry and exit to a routine is documented with a header and trailer output text based on the class name and routine name. The following is some sample output from a test program for the Eiffel Loop VTD-XML API. The test function executes an xpath query looking for http urls in an XML document.

1>   doing
1>     JOBSERVE_SEARCHER.execute
1>       doing
1>         XPATH: "/job-serve/row[type/@value='Contract']"
1>         Position: PMO Analyst
1>         Duration: [180, 270]
1>         Position: Business Analyst (London Market)
1>         Duration: [180, 180]
1>         Position: SAP MM consultant- English
1>         Duration: [371, 371]
1>         Position: Oracle Hyperion Strategic Finance Management Consultant
1>         Duration: [180, 270]
1>         Saving to file: "/home/finnian/Desktop/jobserve.results.html"
1>       end -- JOBSERVE_SEARCHER

Part of the code which produced the above output is as follows:




feature -- Basic operations

         jobs_result_set: JOBS_RESULT_SET; xpath: STRING
         root_node: EL_XPATH_ROOT_NODE_CONTEXT
         log.enter ("execute")
         create root_node.make_from_file (xml_path)
         xpath := Xpath_template #$ [query_filter]
         log.put_string_field ("XPATH", xpath)
         create jobs_result_set.make (root_node, xpath)
         across jobs_result_set as job loop
            lio.put_labeled_string ("Position", job.item.position)
            lio.put_integer_interval_field ("Duration", job.item.duration_interval)

         log.put_path_field ("Saving to", results_path)
         jobs_result_set.save_as_xml (results_path)

Note that each logged routine must start and finish with a paired call to enter_with_args and exit and that the first argument to enter_with_args matches the name of the routine. The log object maintains a logging call stack. A call to enter_with_args pushes a new routine onto the stack and exit pops the entry. The second argument is of type ARRAY [ANY] and is used to log any routine arguments. Routine enter_with_args calls the out function from the universal ancestor class ANY for each of the array items and lists them each on a separate line as argument (1), argument (2) etc.

Comment on Java

This type of logging would be difficult to implement in Java as multiple return instructions could appear anywhere in the routine. (Not that I haven't tried, in fact this framework originally started life as a Java framework) This is another argument in favor of languages like Eiffel which disallow arbitrary returns mid routine. Also Java is littered with all kinds of exception handling which greatly increases the number of exit paths from a routine (not to mention making the code more difficult to read). Eiffel has exception handling too but the philosophy of Eiffel is to head off unbridled use of exceptions by extensive debugging with the use of contracts instead of relying on exceptions to show you the bugs.

Enter and exit variations

A number of variations exist for the enter and exit procedures in the log object:

If you do not wish to log any routine arguments you can use the form:

log.enter ("test_bio_2")

If you wish to suppress the routine header and trailer output text you can use the form:

log.enter_no_header ("test_bio_2")

Managing exceptions

In order to maintain the integrity of the logging routine stack it is important to balance every call to log.enter with a call log.exit on exiting a logged routine. However if your routine has a rescue clause and an exception occurs, these exit calls are skipped not only in the current routine but also in all sub routines before the point where the exception was thrown. If you wish to recover from the exception by doing a routine retry you need a way to restore the logging routine stack back to what it was before the first log.enter call at the start of the routine. You can accomplish this by saving the state of the logging stack to a local variable before the log.enter call and use this variable to restore the logging stack in the rescue clause. The following code illustrates:

my_routine is
      -- Exception handling routine
      log_stack_pos: INTEGER
      log_stack_pos := log.call_stack_count
      log.enter ("my_routine")
      log.restore (log_stack_pos)

Including logging in your application

There are a number of ways to include logging in your application. The first is to inherit EL_LOGGED_APPLICATION in your root class and implement the function Log_filter (see below). You must then make sure that init_logging is the first routine called in the application entry make procedure. A slightly simpler way is to inherit from class EL_APPLICATION in your root class. This class has a make procedure already defined which calls init_logging, you only have to implement the procedures initialize and run. The routine make must be listed as a creation procedure.

Inheriting from class EL_APPLICATION has some incidental benefits including:

To including logging facilities in any class, inherit from class EL_MODULE_LOG and add an entry for that class in the log filter array. (see below)

By default logging is not active in the application. It must be turned on using the -logging command line switch.

Log output filtering

The logging framework offers a simple way to filter the output by class and routine. The root class of your application should inherit class EL_LOGGED_APPLICATION and implement the routine log_filter_set as function with generic parameters itemizing the types for which logging is enabled. To only show output only for specific routines, use the show_selected procedure as shown in the example below. You can disable logging for any particular routine by prefixing the name with a hyphen. The log_filter_set routine for class FOURIER_MATH_CLIENT_TEST_APP illustrates:

feature {NONE} -- Implementation

   log_filter_set: EL_LOG_FILTER_SET [
      like Current,
         create Result.make
         Result.show_selected ({SIGNAL_MATH_PROXY}, "cosine_waveform")

The class filter is compared only with the generating class name so all child classes in a particular inheritance tree must be listed individually.

Command Options

A list of command options which effect the logging system can be found in class EL_LOG_COMMAND_OPTIONS.

User step-through logging

For debugging purposes you may wish to pause execution on the exit of each logged routine. The following call causes the application to stop execution on the exit of every logged routine and prompts the user to press enter to continue:

Logging.set_prompt_user_on_exit (true)

The logging object is available in the root class or by inheriting EL_MODULE_LOGGING.

Logging threads

Logging a separate thread just requires that you inherit from EL_LOGGED_IDENTIFIED_THREAD and make sure the routine on_start gets called. It will anyway unless you do something to over-ride this routine.

feature {NONE} -- Event handling

         Log_manager.add_thread (Current)

By default it is the log output of the main thread that is visible in the console terminal. To change the logging output visible in the console to another thread call redirect_thread_to_console with the thread's index. The index of the main launch thread is 1. Subsequently added threads have indexes of 2, 3, 4 etc. Use function is_valid_console_index to check if the index is valid.

Log_manager.redirect_thread_to_console (index)

It is this index which is displayed as part of the log output prompt. If you are not sure what the index of the thread is you can obtain it from the thread name with a call like:

my_thread_index := Log_manager.thread_index ("My thread")

Synchronization Monitor

A generic synchronization monitor allows synchronization on an object to be protected with a contract requiring that the object is locked before being referenced. It is integrated with the logging framework to help detect deadlock conditions. If a thread needs to wait for a lock on a synchronized object, both the waiting and acquiring of the lock is logged in the thread's log. See class EL_LOGGED_MUTEX_REFERENCE

Logging Routines

Access to the logging routines is through feature log of class EL_MODULE_LOG. The log object conforms to type EL_LOGGABLE which has numerous procedures for writing to the log as well as some useful functions.

The procedure form:

put_<lowercase type name>

is used to output the following types: STRING_8, INTEGER_32, CHARACTER_8, REAL_32 and REAL_64.

The procedure form:

put_<lowercase type name>_field

is used to output the following types prefixed with a field label: STRING_8, INTEGER_32, INTEGER_INTERVAL, REAL_32 and REAL_64.

The procedure put_string_field_to_max_length is used to output a multi-line block of text in abbreviated form. The beginning and last 30 characters of the string is output up to a maximum number of characters (or 1/3 of the maximum length, whichever is smaller). If the text contains more than one line, tab indents are inserted to left align the text to the correct logging indent. The boolean function current_routine_is_active can be tested in order to conditionally execute a block of code if the current routine is unfiltered by any routine filter.

Always on logging

Class EL_MODULE_LOG also has a special logging object named lio, short for "log or io". This is used in the same way as the usual log object with the difference that the output will still be written to the console even if logging is globally disabled. It can be used to write to the console instead of the usual io medium from class ANY.

Log files

All log files are put in a sub directory logs of the current working directory. If you are making your application loggable using EL_APPLICATION then these log files are automatically deleted when the application exits. If you want a chance to inspect the log files in an editor before they disappear there are a number of ways to do this:

Use the command line switch -keep_logs. The log files will not be deleted and will not be overwritten during subsequent application runs. It is recommended to delete them manually.

If you are using the Eiffel Loop multi application mode framework then the log files are placed in the following subdirectory of the user home directory derived from the executable name and sub application name.

/<user>/home/.<executable name>/<sub app name>/logs   

For example if the executable is named foo and the sub application is bar then for user joeblogs the log directory path is:


Commenting out log lines

Allthough having logging turned off is usually sufficient to maximize performance of the application it may sometimes be desirable to comment out all the logging lines. An autoedit utility application is included for that purpose in the toolkit project. The best strategy is to comment out logging calls by hand in performance critical sections.

Future enhancements

At present changes to the log filtering necessitates a recompilation of the code. A useful enhancement being considered will allow the default log filtering to be overridden by a Pyxis logging configuration file.

Directory: library/runtime/logging

[ . ]

. /app

. /concurrency

. /concurrency/consumer

. /concurrency/distributer

. /concurrency/thread

. /console-and-file

. /support

[ . ]


Access to the Eiffel-Loop log output routines defined by class EL_LOGGABLE

Notes If inheriting this module in a class which already inherits EL_MODULE_LIO then undefine these factory functions from EL_MODULE_LIO

   new_lio, new_log_manager

This is because EL_MODULE_LIO redefines the lio object to be loggable.

Further Information

Click on class link to see client examples.


Shared instance of EL_GLOBAL_LOGGING as Logging


Shared access to routines of class EL_LOG_MANAGER

Further Information

Click on class link to see client examples.



EL_APPLICATION with logging facility

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Click on class link to see descendants and client examples.



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Click on class link to see client examples.


Command line interface to EL_LOG_PRUNE_COMMAND for deleting excess log files


command -log_prune -keep <number ot keep>



Intermittently log counting of timed event activity in thread classes like EL_REGULAR_INTERVAL_EVENT_PRODUCER or EL_CONSUMER. Output frequency is determined by Logs_per_minute constant.

Further Information

Click on class link to see client examples.


Guards objects that require thread synchronization and helps to detect deadlock. Any time a thread is forced to wait for a lock it is reported to the thread's log.


Logged regular interval event processor

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Click on class link to see client examples.


Logged single thread access


Logged thread manager


Logged thread product queue


Logged thread safe stack


Logged timeout

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Click on class link to see client examples.



Logged consumer

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Logged consumer thread


Logged delegating consumer thread

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Logged work distribution thread

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Logged function distributer

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Logged procedure distributer

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Click on class link to see client examples.


Logged version of EL_FILE_PROCESS_THREAD

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Logged identified thread

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Logged many to one consumer thread

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Logged regular interval event producer

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Worker thread with logging output visible in console



Console and file log


Logs routines which are set to have logging enabled in the global configuration


File and console log output


File and highlighted console log output



Console manager


Global logging


Command line options for logging


Log filter set

Further Information

Click on class link to see client examples.


Log manager

Further Information

Click on class link to see descendants.


Delete log files for all logged applications, keeping newest up to keep_count


Shared instance of EL_LOG_COMMAND_OPTIONS

Further Information

Click on class link to see client examples.