This library cluster has 30 classes.
ECF: fast-cgi.ecf
This implemenation of the Fast CGI protocol allows you to create Fast-CGI services that service HTTP requests forwarded by a web server via a local network socket.
Each service implements a table of servlets to service particular requests. The service is configured from a Pyxis format configuration file and listens either on a port number or a Unix socket for request from the web server.
This API has been tested in production with the Cherokee Web Server Ver. 1.2.101
Windows implemenation of socket factory for FCGI service
Socket that can help debug network protocols
Unix implemenation of socket factory for FCGI service
Fast-CGI constants
Fast-CGI HTTP headers and custom headers
Memory reader/writer that can read Name-Value pair length encoded according to the Fast-CGI specification.
Enumeration of Fast-CGI header record types.
#define FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST 1 #define FCGI_ABORT_REQUEST 2 #define FCGI_END_REQUEST 3 #define FCGI_PARAMS 4 #define FCGI_STDIN 5 #define FCGI_STDOUT 6 #define FCGI_STDERR 7 #define FCGI_DATA 8 #define FCGI_GET_VALUES 9 #define FCGI_GET_VALUES_RESULT 10 #define FCGI_UNKNOWN_TYPE 11
Broker object used to communicate with the web server across a supplied socket using the FastCGI binary protocol. It reads HTTP requests and write responses.
Further Information
Click on class link to see notes and client examples.
HTTP parameters passed throught Fast CGI connection and set reflectively
Further Information
Click on class link to see notes and client examples.
Fast-CGI shared record type enumeration
The Web server sends a FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST record to start a request. The contentData component of a FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST record has the form:
typedef struct { unsigned char roleB1; unsigned char roleB0; unsigned char flags; unsigned char reserved[5]; } FCGI_BeginRequestBody;
Default record indicating unknown request
The application sends a FCGI_END_REQUEST record to terminate a request, either because the application has processed the request or because the application has rejected the request.
The contentData component of a FCGI_END_REQUEST record has the form:
typedef struct { unsigned char appStatusB3; unsigned char appStatusB2; unsigned char appStatusB1; unsigned char appStatusB0; unsigned char protocolStatus; unsigned char reserved[3]; } FCGI_EndRequestBody;
The application sends a FCGI_END_REQUEST record to terminate a request, either because the application has processed the request or because the application has rejected the request.
A FastCGI record consists of a fixed-length prefix followed by a variable number of content and padding bytes. See:
typedef struct { unsigned char version; unsigned char type; unsigned char requestIdB1; unsigned char requestIdB0; unsigned char contentLengthB1; unsigned char contentLengthB0; unsigned char paddingLength; unsigned char reserved; unsigned char contentData[contentLength]; unsigned char paddingData[paddingLength]; } FCGI_Record;
FCGI_PARAMS is a stream record type used in sending name-value pairs from the Web server to the application. The name-value pairs are sent down the stream one after the other, in no specified order.
Base class for reading and writing a Fast-CGI record
Content record for writing content to web server
FCGI_STDIN is a stream record type used in sending arbitrary data from the Web server to the application. FCGI_DATA is a second stream record type used to send additional data to the application.
FCGI_STDOUT and FCGI_STDERR are stream record types for sending arbitrary data and error data respectively from the application to the Web server.
Fast-CGI HTTP servlet
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Click on class link to see client examples.
A FCGI_SERVLET_SERVICE service operating in a separate thread.
Servlet service configuration parsed from Pyxis format
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Click on class link to see notes.
Fast-CGI servlet request
Fcgi servlet response
Fast-CGI service that services HTTP requests forwarded by a web server from a table of servlets. The service is configured from a Pyxis format configuration file and listens either on a port number or a Unix socket for request from the web server.
Further Information
Click on class link to see notes and client examples.
Object that is reflectively settable from {FCGI_SERVLET_REQUEST}.method_parameters
Fast-CGI header enumeration
Enumeration of HTTP request methods
Shared instance of FCGI_HEADER_ENUM