This library has 75 classes.
ECF: ID3-tags.ecf
Classes for reading and writing ID3 tags to MP3 files using a common interface to the C libraries libid3tag (C) and id3lib (C++). The former C library is used for ID3 version 2.4 tags and the latter for earlier versions from 2.0 to 2.3.
Status Obsolete
Due to numerous problems with the id3lib C++ library this project has been abandoned in favor of the TagLib library which is still maintained and supports many more meta-data types besides ID3.
. /implementation_libid3/frame-field
. /implementation_libid3/frame
. /implementation_libid3/helper
. /implementation_underbit/c-api
. /implementation_underbit/frame-field
. /implementation_underbit/frame
. /implementation_underbit/helper
Id3 album picture
Id3 info
Id3 encoding
Encoding enumeration based on Underbit C representation
Id3 frame field type enum
ID3 header
Further Information
Click on class link to see client examples.
Module tag
Id3 shared encoding enum
Id3 field types
Further Information
Click on class link to see client examples.
Id3 tags
Wrapper for ID3 tag editing library libid3 from
Read and writes ID3 version 2.3. Does not seem to read earlier 2.x versions. Useful for reading/writing ID3 tags version <= 2.3
Libid3 cpp api
Interface to class ID3_Field
Interface to class ID3_Frame
Interface to class ID3_Frame::Iterator
Interface to class ID3_Tag
Interface to class ID3_Tag::Iterator
Libid3 binary data field
Libid3 default field
Libid3 description field
Libid3 encoding field
Libid3 frame field
Libid3 integer field
Libid3 language field
Libid3 latin 1 string field
Libid3 field
Libid3 string list field
Album picture libid3 frame
Tag frame C++ memory managed by IDTHREE_TAG owner
Libid3 unique file id
Libid3 constants
Libid3 frame field iteration cursor
Libid3 frame field list
Libid3 frame iterator
Wrapper for ID3 tag editing library libid3tag from Underbit Technologies Reads ID3 version <= 2.3 Writes ID3 version 2.4 Unable to read version number
Further Information
Click on class link to see client examples.
Underbit c api
Underbit string handling C API
Underbit id3 tag c api
Underbit id3 binary data field
Underbit id3 date field
Underbit id3 description field
Underbit id3 encoding field
Underbit id3 frame field
Underbit id3 frame id field
Underbit id3 full latin 1 field
Underbit id3 full string field
Underbit id3 integer field
Underbit id3 language field
Underbit id3 latin 1 field
Underbit id3 string field
Underbit id3 string list field
Album picture underbit id3 frame
Tag frame
Underbit id3 genre frame
Underbit id3 unique file id
Underbit id3 tag constants
Underbit id3 string routines
Id3 info i
Further Information
Click on class link to see client examples.
Id3 string field
Id3 binary data field
Id3 date field
Id3 default field
Id3 description field
Id3 encodeable frame field
Id3 encoding field
Id3 frame field
Id3 frame field list
Id3 frame id field
Id3 integer field
Id3 language field
Id3 latin 1 string field
Id3 string list field
Further Information
Click on class link to see client examples.
Album picture id3 frame
Id3 frame
Further Information
Click on class link to see client examples.
Id3 unique file id